Comments 106-109: Dr. Watkins & Others PLEASE End The Deception: Lack Of Knowledge & Vision Destroys

9 months ago

Comment Number 106 is on a Dr. Boyce Watkins channel. Comment Number 107 is on TYT (The Young Turks) channel. Comment Number 108 is on the Joey Diaz channel and Comment Number 109 is on a private video channel. Dr. Watkins, will you and all the others with this Misguided Black Wealth Message and Propaganda, PLEASE! STOP THE DECEPTION!. WHY? Wealth is not “Cash Flow” or more “Cash Flow” and “Cash Flow” in all its forms is not Wealth. If Western Civilization falls, what are these Black people and other 3rd world people going to do? Create a 4th World that's worst than the third world they come from? The power of the Elite lies in the Ignorance of the Masses. Don't you think, a powerful Elite can also read the bible and strategize from it and create an illusion? Weak Black males have no concept of manhood because the White liberal rhetoric of victimization has led millions to accepting lies as truth and excuses as reasons.

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