Gang Stalker - Terrance Working with Corrupt LAPD officers to HUNT! Out of HATE!

8 months ago

Or is it a Government FLAG and KILL operation to assasinate a 5 year old with Dr Ronald Berry Perelman and Jason Perelman with WORLDWIDE support?

In 2017 Terrance Scroggins was working with these mass STALKING groups hunting me to have me KILLED or ERADICATED with LAPD.

Terrance Scroggins Emerges Around 2012 with my Therapist Karine Echigian not wanting me Ratting out their WORLDWIDE kill operations

Police and Government KILL operations based on Childhood Profiling and no actual legitimate reason. Even though their is no reason for KILLING!

in 2001, LAPD tried to plant a TRASHBAG of Marijuana in my house. Working with my friend since 14, originally Jason Perelman's Friend named Mike Huntley who latched on to me from the age 14 to 29.

Mike Huntley wanted to join the Gym by my house, Worlds Gym on Burbank and Canoga in Woodland Hills Ca where they had Rodie Morales the Gym Manager waiting for me to Befriend me.

Rodie Morales was working with LAPD in FRAME JOB, and SETUP Attempts while taking me to Strip clubs. Previously different people in different states since 1991.

Eric Christianson in 1991 southern Oregon State College, 1995 Russian Exchange Student Val Morozov, and Rodie Morales and Tom Farley once I moved back to California.

These Operations go all the way down to 5 years old and my SICK demented father with his bunk HATE LABELS that I'm supposedly a Violent Paranoid Schitzofrenic.

This was the point he decided to work with JASON PERELMAN, my brother when he was 7. And devote their entire lives to try to make me look crazy and try to make it look like I conform to media to ERADICATE at all costs based on Government Profiling and not for any real reason.

After finding something wasn't right in 2001, met with a berage of Mike Huntley DEATH THREATS

"World of Paranoia", Dropping Papers on my desk how to make people mentally ill and kill them. "You had better live a CAREFUL Life", "We are using the SYSTEM against you", The LAPD and Police System with the Psychology Community behind it and my family. "Have a good life now", "I have given you enough rope to hang yourself with", "It's your BEHAVIOR" and many other statements with LAPD and my FAMILY in their HATE and RAGE for their 5 year old in 1977.

LAPD and the PSYCHOLOG Community was realizing I was finding things out. And needed to KILL or ERADICATE at all costs.

However ironically, that was the original agenda. However it being done with no LOOSE ENDS, and me not knowing they were trying to slowely push me off a cliff, and say I slipped or wasn't watching the path to make things look like how they wanted it to be.

Terrance Scroggins is on NEW arrests with LAPD to try to set me up or frame me. With their WORLDWIDE support.

In order to try to NORMALIZE the situation and stop the WORLDWIDE murder operations I am FORCED to try to figure out the MASSES who are HUNTING ME TO KILL ME. By speaking out and letting them know they've been lied to.

However the United States Government and their FLAG and KILL operations to KILL people or even children based on PROFILING and EMPTY labeling won't have that.

Because they don't want the people of the United States knowing about what our own Government Really does behind the scenes in these SICK and TWISTED Psychotic Operations.

Just like what National Security Agency has always been doing to our own People.

They don't want their SICK dirty little secrets coming to light.

I was born in 1972 in Merced, Ca on Castle Creek Airforce base.

You do the math!
From a Psychotic Murdering Father and his WORLDWIDE forest fire of Lies, Smears, Defamation, fear mongering to use YOU! the People, as a WEAPON to KILL for them and get away with it!

While trying to COVER IT all UP, by calling the Victim and Target a Public Nuisence if he has an OPINION about it!

Around 2017 -Terrance Scroggins - Audio Recorded - DEATH THREAT - Thats the guy I wantnd Following Through to Kill - A

Around 2017-Terrance Scroggins - Audio Recorded - DEATH THREAT - Thats the guy I want to Kill - And Following Through

Terrance Scroggins Working with the J3w K!ll3rs in LAPD to STALK ME for no reason

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