School curriculum - what's being taught in schools?

9 months ago

Rose highlights the issues of schools teaching about gender identity and sexuality without parental consent. The material being taught in Australian schools is a huge concern. Children are being exposed to sensitive information that may not align with their and their families values or developmental stages.

Call to parents to be more proactive in understanding what their children are learning in school and the resources being used. There are detrimental risks associated with the school taking over the responsibility of supporting a child's gender transition without parental approval.

We both stress the importance of parents being involved in their children's schools and being aware of the changes in laws regarding these issues.

Rose (and Guardians South Australia GSA) is organising a parent forum to discuss these issues further. Register with GSA for more information on this, you can also download their flyers and resources from their website;

✨ Healthy Whole Humans ✨

Healthy Whole Humans vision is to create a better world for children!
While the old is being dismantled, we’re leading those ready to join us on a new path that serves all humans with love, truth and transparency - we're building the bridge to a new world!
The awake, aware, courageous and strong ones will join us in creating a better way for children to grow and evolve. Healthy Whole Humans appreciates donations to bring our vision to life and to keep sharing information with you.
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