Hypocritical Climate Pieties

9 months ago

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Dr. John Robson comments on key items from the latest Climate Discussion Nexus weekly "Wednesday Wakeup" newsletter (https://climatediscussionnexus.com/ne..., starting with companies pretending to be committed to Net Zero and annoying zealots and skeptics alike, Michael Mann getting even more hysterical and a forecast of a heavy hurricane harvest, and moving on spurious claims that weather forecasting is about to become reliable, a proposed wall of shame for climate deniers, a get-rich-scheme to sell Rust Belt land to climate refugees, the question of why climate alarmists so often hate Israel, what "climate" really means, a #Gettingworse instalment on how the U.S., which isn't getting wetter, isn't getting drier either, a Climate the Movie fact check on whether the planet has normally been warmer than it is today (yes) wetness, and a paper saying the normal cyclical pattern would have us heading back into a glaciation so if we are warming the Earth it's a darn good thing.

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