Jessie Czebotar Tweets: The Satanic Temple TV, Movie Night, Halloween 2019 through April 2021

8 months ago

Review Jessie Czebotar's interactions with The Satanic Temple Satanic TV, Movie Night, Halloween Night 2019 through April 2021.

When Jessie was asked about her watching Satanic TV, Jessie replied that she only watched at the beginning of Covid.
- Review the tweets. They show pre-Covid, starting with TST's very 1st livestream Halloween night 2019 and extending for at least one and a half years.

Jessie also said she got a "special invite and "access."
- The TST posts show there was no special invite or access needed. It was free to anyone who signed up with their email address.

She also said she had to step back because of work.
- TST Movie Night was originally Wednesday and Saturday nights. Reviewing the tweets shows that she said she had to work most Wednesday nights. TST canceled Saturday night, the night she was more available.

**NOTE: TST Satanic TV and Movie Nights are "watch parties." They are all livestreams with a live chat. The only way to participate is to watch live.

It's also important to note that shortly after her last posts re Satanic TV Movie Night (April 2021), Jessie and Right on Radio aired their "Circling the Wagons" round table episode (mid May 2021) to address Jessie's "critics," as people were researching Jessie and posting findings.

It's unknown if Jessie continued commenting by using a different X account instead.

At the time of this posting, all tweets are live on Jessie Czebotar's twitter: @czebotarjessie

To verify the tweets in this video, you can use X search by copying/pasting:

keyword (from:czebotarjessie)

These tweets have been archived.

More videos to be posted soon.


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