Cleaning Up Our Hoods! Washington DC: The Dope Busters (FOI) (NOI) (1988)

9 months ago

Washington DC: Mayfair Mansions - The Dope Busters//Nation Of Islam (FOI) (NOI) (1988)

Drugs have been targeted to the Native Black community since our resistance to oppression bloomed in the 60s. The drug users and resellers are then targeted by colluding law enforcement to lionize Caucasian males as savior police "fighting Crime", that they engineered.

Did you know that the prison industrial system gang rape culture that targets Native Black Americans was instituted by the Deep State via Dept of Corrections?

Black men gang raping unknown younger Black youth entering prison was overseen by the Dept of Corrections as a continuity of the buck breaking culture of chattel slavery, where Caucasian men raped and humiliated robust Black men, until the Nation Of Islam inmates began punishing rapist of Muslims with death that ended the program.

The NOI solved the drug and crime problem in Black communities in the 80s, but the Deep State ran by oligarchs sabotaged our measures.

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