Which Las Vegas RV Park to Stay At?

9 months ago

About this episode:
In this episode we share another fun adventure in Las Vegas Nevada, as we stay at Sam’s Town KOA. We share our last trip to the Tropicana, a fabulous steak dinner at Carver, our experience at Sam’s Town casino and the KOA. We also compare Sam’sTown KOA with Oasis RV park in Vegas, to hopefully help you make your selection for camping in Vegas. Hope you enjoy this adventure!

Links related to this video:
Sam’s Town KOA https://koa.com/campgrounds/las-vegas/?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjw0ruyBhDuARIsANSZ3wrOc8GDScDu4JNDfbrv8r2n8YJzyNh3PjPOLsCwh5UWaBQWCMgiFm4aArvmEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds
Cleaver Steakhouse https://www.cleaverlasvegas.com/
Oasis RV park https://www.oasislasvegasrvresort.com/
Las Vegas https://www.visitlasvegas.com/listing/las-vegas-koa-at-sams-town-nellis/36357/

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About Us:
We have been a camping family since our kids were little. We purchased 2020 Road Warrior 430RW in November of 2019. This was our first brand new trailer, and we are LOVING IT. While we have a lot of videos of our camping adventures and fun ATV trails or lakes, we also like to spend time exploring other areas as well, especially Las Vegas! We hope you enjoy catching our moments of adventures with us! Please be sure to like our videos and subscribe to our channel to join our Moments of Adventure!

This channel is for entertainment purposes only. We are not RV experts and are not making recommendations. We share our opinions and what works for us, but you should do your own research and make your own decisions.

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Music source:
Deep South, Biddy Sullivan

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