Booked For Safekeeping, Police Training, New Orleans, Louisiana (1960 Original Black & White Film)

8 months ago

Dive into police training with this insightful black-and-white film from 1960, designed to equip officers with the skills to recognize and manage individuals experiencing mental disturbances during emergencies. Set in New Orleans, Louisiana, the film utilizes dramatized scenes featuring police officers and nonprofessional actors to illustrate humane and safe approaches for handling anxious, confused, and potentially violent individuals. With a focus on the needs of both officers and those with mental disturbances, the film emphasizes the importance of remaining calm, honest, and psychologically deterring when feasible, while gradually releasing individuals from restraint.

Source :
Stoney, G. C., Rowland, L. W., Cutrera, L., Daly, J., Ziller, R., Cummins, S. K. [...] Du Art Film Laboratories, F. D. (1960) Booked for Safekeeping. Louisiana Association For Mental Healthuction Company, National Institute Of Mental Health, U. S. U. C. & George C. Stoney Associatesuction Company, prods United States: DuArt Films. [Video] Retrieved from the Library of Congress,

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