TheDimStream LIVE! Throw Momma from the Train (1987) | Hush (1998)

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Join Alex and me for a live stream, tonight at 9:30 ET!


JQuickDraw Supporter Hello

RonGreen1 Is that cat missing a tail?

JQuickDraw Supporter Gwyneth Paltrow

JQuickDraw Supporter Paltrow found a demand and supplied: candles with her own vagina scent. It almost makes me a communist. JK vagina candles FTW!

JQuickDraw Supporter Her vagina scent is powerful.

Qriist Supporter Gwynnie the Bear: "Only you can prevent vagina fires."

RonGreen1 That's ugly as fuck. Alex the fashion critic.🤣

RonGreen1 See Alex for your wedding dress recommendations.

Qriist Supporter some of those dresses look like a suit

RonGreen1 I've seen wedding dresses at the thrift store. Go on 1/2 price day and you can save a bundle.

JQuickDraw Supporter The pink dress looks like it's made from cotton candy.

JQuickDraw Supporter I would put little strobing lights on the front, to cover her nipples. That would help.

RonGreen1 That's why Alex is still single. She just can't find a decent wedding dress.😂

JQuickDraw Supporter Doctor Strange 2: Okay, Let's Get Through This Already.

JQuickDraw Supporter I think the best wedding dress would be Red Sonja's shiny silver battle suit in Conan the Barbarian, when she comes back from the dead and saves him.

JQuickDraw Supporter Put gauntlets on her sleeves, to change it up.

RonGreen1 Why do women wear white on their wedding day? So the dishwasher will match the other appliances.🤣

JQuickDraw Supporter from the movie

JQuickDraw Supporter

JQuickDraw Supporter Just what you see, including the weapon

JQuickDraw Supporter Not a fan of blondes with tans? You just impugned the entire surfer culture with your hurtful words.

JQuickDraw Supporter So if they gave the "Hulk" power to a person on the spectrum, they would turn green and count everything.

JQuickDraw Supporter Saving Private Ryan

JQuickDraw Supporter Stripes

JQuickDraw Supporter Police Academy

JQuickDraw Supporter Alan Alda

JQuickDraw Supporter Radar

JQuickDraw Supporter Sorry not Private Ryan lol that's not a comedy. I meant Private Benjamin.
OakPoke Supporter+ Have a good night ladies.
OakPoke Supporter+ Good night, and God bless.

JQuickDraw Supporter Happy Memorial Day

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