L.E.D. lamps are loaded with 5G weapon technology

4 months ago

They put one of these L.E.D. lights in my yard, on MY property without my permission, a couple of years ago. When I noticed the truck in my yard, I went out to see what was going on. They were already up in a lift, replacing the yard light. I politely told them that I didn't want an l.e.d. in my yard and asked them to stop, they just continued with the installation, telling me that I'd have to take it up with Tampa electric. There wasn't much I could do about it - him being 20 feet above ground in a lift. I contacted the head office requesting the lamp be replaced with the old, they refused, so I canceled my service for the lamp. I was told that the yard light would be taken off my bill, but that the new light would stay on the poll. Two months later, the light was still on, and I was still being billed for it.. I got pissed off and decided to shoot it out one night. I waited till after dark, so the neighbors wouldn't freak out, then shot it out with a crossbow. When the bolt hit the L.E.D. bulb, at the 'exact second' that it hit, a loud ringing - more of a vibration really, pierced my head. It was kind of like that scene in the film 'leave the world behind' but not as intense, not enough to crack windows.. I automatically started shaking my head, trying to stop the sound, and noticed that my dog was spinning in circles at my feet, shaking his head. The shot put out the light, but the ringing was continuous. I decided to put a couple more bolts through the housing - trying to disable whatever was causing the ringing/vibration sensation. When the arrows hit, which penetrated through both sides of the housing, I heard a significant amount of equipment jump/move from within, the sound reassured me that this was more than a simple yard lamp, however the act didn't stop the ringing/vibration. Eventually, I cut the power cable, I was pretty disorientated by then, not sleeping, unable to easily put together coherent thought. But cutting the power cable didn't stop it either, they seem to be directional weapons and they are everywhere. This took place Dec. 25 2022, the ringing/vibration has increased in intensity 3 times since, you learn to live with it..

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