Rice Milk Prepper Food

9 months ago

Ingredients and equipment:
1. 1 cup (340 g) of brown rice of your choice. It can be short grain or long grain (I use long grain jasmine brown rice)
2. A glass jar (I use a quart size or bigger mason jar)
3. A sprouting screen and a band (or a piece of cheesecloth with a rubber band)
4. A container to catch the excess water
5. 4 cups (940 ml) of filtered water.
Note: In the video, I sprouted 2 cups (680 g) of rice and only used half for making the milk. I kept the other half to cook with later.

1. Day 1: In a jar, add the amount of the rice you want to make and cover the jar with the screen. Rinse the rice thoroughly a few times, add filtered water and soak it overnight.
2. Day 2: Dump the water and rinse well. Tilt the jar in a container, and cover it with kitchen towels to keep it dark.
Let it sprout for 2 more days., and repeat the rinsing each day
3. Day 3-4: Repeat the rinsing process.
4. Day 5: You can see tiny sprouts on all of the rice--even the broken parts. Rinse well and let the excess water drain.
5. In a blender, add the sprouted rice with 4 cups (940 ml) of filtered water and blend on high speed until smooth.
Strain it through a cheesecloth and squeeze as much milk as you can. You can add your sweetener while blending or right before drinking it, or drink it plain. I like to use a small amount of Maple Syrup to sweeten mine. If you make more than you can finish at a time, store it in a glass container and keep it refrigerated. It stays fresh up to 3 days.

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