Larry Tracy 5/23/2024

10 months ago

Linkedin Profile-Larry Tracy
Are you among the 40% of Americans who fear "public speaking," yet realize its importance for
success in business? If that's your problem, then the solution can be my new book ''How to Bring
Home the Bacon: Becoming a Persuasive Speaker with the Proven S3P3 System," published by
BookBaby, the leading self-publishing company in the US. The book's content is focused on
helping you reduce nervousness so you can gain the critical skill of persuasion, which famed
motivational speaker Tony Robbins says is "the most important skill a person can possess."
I'm a retired Army colonel. As a junior officer I was tasked with delivering complex
presentations to senior officers in the US and Vietnam. I realized I needed a repeatable
methodology which could be used for various presentations, and thus was born my S3P3
System-the pillars of Substance, Structure and Style supporting a Pyramid of Planning,
Practicing and Presenting.
When assigned to the Defense Intelligence Agency, my S3P3-driven speaking skills resulted in
being named the Senior Intelligence Briefer to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I was
then assigned to the Office of the Secretary of Defense where, as a Latin American specialist, I
was very involved in developing the Reagan Central America policy, and was the Pentagon's
principal spokesman on the policy. The White House then directed the Army to assign me to the
State Department, taking advantage of my in-depth knowledge of the policy and ability to debate
it on college campuses and to other demanding audiences. Feedback on these "encounters"
resulted in President Reagan to describe me as "An extraordinarily effective speaker."
My military career provides a lesson for technical experts. I was surprised to be promoted to
Colonel, as I had not "punched the tickets" normally required to be selected for that rank. I
eventually concluded, however, my promotion was due precisely because of the exposure and
reputation I had gained from the high-level assignments I received because of my persuasive
speaking ability. The lesson? One's technical expertise, the equivalent of "punching the
tickets," is not sufficient. When a "Face time" opportunity presents itself, be ready to "bring
home the bacon" with a persuasive presentation flowing from extensive preparation with the
S3P3 System.
After retiring from the Army, I became a presentation skills coach, with the training based on the
S3P3 System, as is the content in "Bring Home The Bacon" which can be acquired, Paperback
or Ebook, from: Place "Larry Tracy" in the search box.

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