9 Psychological Hacks Top Family Lawyers Use with Their Clients (#7 Will Surprise!)

8 months ago

The law practice is all about clients. And clients operate on the same psychological operating system as we all do.

There are hacks and shortcuts to connecting, building trust, and having fun with others. Our success as lawyers always depends on how we work with people—clients, other lawyers, referral sources, and co-workers.

Like most things, you can use these techniques to excess, for evil, and to manipulate others. That is shortsighted at best.

However, if you love and want to add value to people, then these tactics will deepen your relationships, improve your effectiveness as a leader, and enhance your self-confidence.

Here are the psychological hacks that the most effective lawyers use:

1: Get genuinely excited when you see your client--smile big time 😊
2 - Say the client's name three times in first five minutes
3 - Dress for emotions
4 - Expose your flaws
5 - Use pauses and silence to build credibility
6 - Play games with your own mind
7 - Ask small favors to win clients over
8 - Serve food during key meetings
9 - Warm your hands before a handshake

Do these things, and you will definitely enjoy more rewarding end effective relationships!

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