9 months ago

The Lord Is My Shepherd
From Yeshua HaMaschiach:
Behold the mystery of the little book, for seven angels do send their thunders, and the thunders have uttered their voices. They are the mystery of the little book for the little book was sealed, for a voice came from heaven telling John the Revelator: Seal up those things which the seven thunders uttered, and write them not. Behold you ate of the little book for it has been revealed, and it was as sweet as honey in your ears as you slept, but it was bitter in your belly which woke you from the vision and behold, you awoke from your slumber! Behold the mystery of the little book has come to be revealed in this time, for it is the last mystery to be revealed in my age of grace, even the little book of sweet bitter. For the voices of the thunders are to be revealed and now is the time of revealing, for the mystery of the little book is great, though it be the little book. For that little book was revealed to John the Revelator, and now I will reveal it to you, for its revelation is at hand. Hear my voice, my bride, and incline your ear to me, Christ Jesus, for the time has come. For there is no more time.

I am the son of God come in the flesh, and I, Yeshua HaMaschiach, have sent these words.

From Yahweh, the eternal God:
Hear the voice of the seven thunders, says the eternal God! Prepare yourselves, oh you nations, for great judgement is upon you and the words of the seven thunders are revealed. Turn your ears to hear the sayings of the mystery of the little book. For the scrolls will be unsealed, and the loosening of the seals is coming upon the entire world. Even great judgement and calamity. For the sins of the earth are a stench in my nostrils, and I even Yahweh, will cleanse the earth and I will demolish every evil thing and my Son whom I am sending will rule in righteousness on the earth and great peace will be for the faithful whom I have protected from the evil day. And great peace will I provide to all who call on the name of Jesus Christ, even Yeshua Hamaschiach, for all who call on the name of the Lord shall be saved. And in peace and safety will I lead them and in righteousness will I clothe them and in true holiness will they glorify me, for I have glorified them and newness of life will they have.

So I bring my justice and wrath that I may recompense those who commit evil with their own filthy ways, so whoever refuses me and chooses evil, let them be evil still and the wrath of God abides! And whosoever shall be righteous and all who depart from evil as they call on the name of the Lord will have great reward, so let them have the peaceable fruits of righteousness, and they will have great inheritance in my son Christ Jesus, who has their reward in his hand. So whomever that will be evil, let them be evil still. And whoever turns to righteousness and calls on the name of the Lord, let them be righteous still, for the day shall declare it.

Behold a thing I will tell you before it happens, for prophecies are about to be fulfilled and there will be no more delay, for times of grace and mercy are coming to a close and a time of great wrath is about to be unleashed on the earth, and there has never been a time on the earth, not even during the days of Noah and never will there be such a time again. For I, even I have sworn by my name and have declared these things. Whatsoever I, even Yahweh the eternal God, declares cannot be changed and will come to pass. For in the days of the seventh angel, when he shall begin to sound, even the mystery of God should be finished.

I am that I AM, so tell them the great I AM have sent these words, even Yahweh, the great and eternal God!

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