05/24/24 INFORMED CONSENT FIRST - Episode 10: Dr. Andrew Wakefield

9 months ago

Welcome to EPISODE TEN of INFORMED CONSENT FIRST where we bring you a new episode the first Tuesday of each month, but given the time sensitive nature of this interview, we are sharing our June 4th episode early!

We are excited to share another episode highlighting the idea of informed consent, and bringing Informed Consent to the forefront of our collective consciousness through experience, hope and humor! Please be sure to subscribe, like, comment and share this video far and wide!

05/24/24 (Replacing our June 4th Episode Early!)

We are honored and grateful to be joined by Dr. Andrew Wakefield. As a living legend, Dr. Andrew Wakefield doesn’t need much of an introduction, but for those who may be new, he’s probably one of the original figures to be cancelled before being cancelled was a badge of honor. In the 90’s his study in The Lancet merely suggested a link between the MMR vaccine and autism, and we know what happens to scientists who actually share the real data and truth! A simple internet search of his name will bring up so much misrepresentation about him, which isn’t surprising given the upside down world we are living in! Dr. Wakefield has the unique ability to seamlessly wear many hats!

In this episode, we discuss his latest film, Protocol-7, https://protocol7.movie/

Protocol-7 is based on real life events and allegations by actual whistleblowers alleging Merck committed fraud by essentially faking the data regarding the effectiveness of its mumps vaccine. Incidentally, Merck has not denied the fraud claim.

Be sure to grab your tickets to the CHD AZ People’s Premier on May 29th, and if you are able, we encourage that you share the links, and purchase tickets for those who need to see the film, before they sell out!





Those wishing to help spread the extremely important message of this timely film, past the People’s Premier on May 29th, may do so here:


For those who'd like to attend the LOS ANGELES Premier where director Andy Wakefield, actress Rachel Whittel and actor Matthew Marsden will participate in Q&As following the 7:10 PM screenings, click here:


Additional Social Media Links to Protocol-7:


Dr. Wakefield wrote and directed the documentary, “VAXXED: From Cover-up to Catastrophe” in 2016, at which time he was convinced of the vaccine and autism connection. To learn more, click here:


Subsequently, in 2020, he directed “1986: The Act,” a documentary about the impact of the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act. To learn more, click here:


In 2022, he directed “Infertility: A Diabolical Agenda,” which Children's Health Defense co-produced. To learn more, click here:


Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this program are those of the speakers and do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of any entities they represent. This includes but is not limited to the Arizona Chapter of Children’s Health Defense.

If you’d like to reach out to Dr. Neelu, please email her: drneelu@radicalresonanceequilibrium.com
Dr. Neelu on IG https://www.instagram.com/neelubluepsyd/?next=%2F

Be sure to connect with CHD Arizona here:
Sign up for our free newsletter here: https://az.childrenshealthdefense.org/about-us/sign-up/
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