Book of Susanna (Book of Daniel Chapter 13) Apocrypha Audio Text Removed from Bible

9 months ago

Susanna, pronounced suh-ZAN-uh, is a story found in the Book of Daniel, specifically chapter 13. It's a tale cherished by Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, and Oriental Orthodox Christians. Protestants, on the other hand, place it in the Apocrypha, considering it extra material rather than part of the main text. However, some Christian groups, like Anabaptists, Lutherans, Anglicans, and Methodists, still find it valuable for moral lessons.

Interestingly, Susanna isn't part of the Jewish Tanakh, nor does it show up in early Jewish writings. However, it seems to have been in the Septuagint, an ancient Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible, dating back to around the 2nd century BC. Later, a Jewish editor named Theodotion revised it around AD 150.

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