Covenant Kingdom with power and authority

10 months ago

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Covenant Kingdom with authority and power

Prophetic word
Mette Mirani Sternkopf
21st of May 2024 04.06

Hear oh Israel the Lord, Your God is One! He who is, He who was and He who is to come! Holy, holy holy He who sits on His throne!

My Remnants remember earnestly My covenant that I made with My Only begotten Son.

Be kingdom minded and look for what is above. What comes from the Heavenlies is what has to be established here on the Earth.

We decree a thing and it shall be established.

My Kingdom come, My will be done on the Earth as it is in Heaven and it shall be established!

I Am coming with blazing fire and authority. The chastisement has already begun in My Body. The cleansing of the body is necessary because many people who are carrying My name, have no fear of the Lord.

I Am so tired of the mocking and spitting on My Face amongst My own people, therefore I have come with My Fire. My Fire that is cleansing and it will burn up every work that is made of straw and hay.

I Am refining My Bride through the Fire as the gold. The gold has to go through the Fire many times so the slack and dirt can come out.

The correction and the cleansing in the Body of Christ is necessary, in order for Me to use My servants so they can represent Me in the right way.

Until now there has been a mocking spirit and I have allowed it only for a season so My true servants can expose what is coming from My adversary.

The standard has to be raised now and I Am raising the standard. I Am raising the bar for what is acceptable in My Eyes.

In this hour I Am about to shift the old guard of those who have been in power for too long.

My children, things are not what the media says or what your government is saying.

Know in this hour how to discern the narratives from those who are in power. But know, their time is short and I Am going to lift up My Remnants.

The royal houses of Europe and the Governments will be overthrown by Me.

In this hour I Am about to change everything and the things you know of are about to be changed forever.

I Am that I Am coming with provisions to My children.

Settlements, lands, possessions, great wealth and supernatural provision will be given to My children.

There will be an overflow that you will experience and there will be no room enough to contain it.

My children ask Me how to use authority, power, and wealth and I will give you the wisdom to use it.

Keep your eyes and let your hearts kling to Me. Some of you will be the lenders to the nations. Because some of you have been asking Me to be lenders to the nations.

Be cheerful and rejoice for your redemption is near. I AM coming for your rescue and I will save you in many ways.

Nothing is impossible for Me. I Am the waymaker, promise keeper, miracle worker, Light in the darkness. This is who I Am.

I have made you to be a nation of Royal Priesthood. I have made you to rule and reign with Me in this hour.

Think as I think, Speak what I speak and do what I do. I have made you in My image and in My likeness.

Take the dominion, occupy and subdue the Earth.

Live it out in your own lives. After you have conquered all I will give you the crown of victory, yes, the victory is already yours.

You have already won because of My son took the curse on that cross. So you can walk in obedience to Me. He, who has ears, let him hear!

Deuteronomy 6:4-9
The holiness of God is the most prominent of all His divine nature which represents His inherent and incomprehensive character.
Holiness belongs exclusively to God alone.
Qadosh (hebrew)
Holy; means set apart, sacred, sanctified .
God's holiness includes His two essentiel qualitee, absolute transcendence and infinite purity.
He is exalted above all creation.
Jeremiah 31:33 covenant
Luke 22:20 the supper with Jesus
Hebrew 7:22 a better covenant
Hebrew 9:14-15
Hebrew 8:10 covenant with house of Israel
Colossians 3:1-4 Kingdom minded
Matt. 6:9-10
Isaiah 26:3
Phil. 4:8-9
Rom. 8:5-6
Job 22:28 We decree a thing and it shall be established.
Matt. 6:10 Your Kingdom come
Heb. 12:29 God is a consuming fire
Deu. 4:24 Consuming fire
1.Cor. 3:12 Build with hay, straw
Mal. 3:2-3 Refining Gold and silver
Psalm. 12:6 Refining seven times
Dan. 2:21 He removes Kings and sets up Kings
Isaiah 35 Redemption
1.Pet. 2:9 But you are a chosen people, a royal priesthood
Proverbs 20:12 Ears to hear and eyes to see
Matt.13:16 But blessed are your eyes because they see and your ears because they hear.
Jesus says 16 times: ears to hear and eyes to see
Prophetic word, Covenant Kingdom, Power, authority, faith, believe, Jesus, God

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