Understanding the Doppelganger of Mental Health

9 months ago

Here are some signs and symptoms to watch out for in yourself and others:

High-Functioning Anxiety and Depression
Individuals with high-functioning anxiety or depression often appear successful, productive, and composed.
Striving for perfection often stems from deep-seated fears of inadequacy or failure. It can lead to immense stress and mental health challenges.
Overly optimistic or excessively cheerful behavior can be a sign of overcompensation.

People-pleasers go to great lengths to be agreeable and friendly, often at the expense of their own well-being.

Substance Abuse
Substance abuse, whether through social drinking or recreational drugs, can be a way to dull pain and avoid dealing with issues.
In our society, workaholism is often seen as a badge of honor. However, excessive work can harm our mental health.

MannaMental Addiction and Recovery Clinic.. 
201 Elm st
Lima Ohio, 45805419-673-7754
We treat Mental Health Addiction and Recovery 
We are family oriented.
Judgement free Clinic
We have qualified staff that understands Mental Health
if you are interested in being a sponsor please contact ⁠⁠⁠⁠bluntreflection.com ⁠⁠⁠⁠

views expressed are solely of the host Queenb.Divine

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