Taliban Nasheed - O Shahid (Martyr) / Deondre Waltenberger / Tarana / Naat - Nazam / English

9 months ago

This is an English Taliban nasheed about the fight against imperialism and the installation of the rule of the people.


Oh shahid O Martyr
Oh shahid O Martyr
Oh shahid O Martyr
Oh shahid O Martyr

Shahid, Martyr, fought for a cause
Shahid, Martyr, who fought for a cause
Shahid, Martyr, Afghanistan

Zindabad (Long live)
Zindabad (Long live)
Afghanistan zindabad (Long live Afghanistan)

O Martyrs of the Talib
Rise up against your oppressor: all colonials

From the Soviets, US, and Great Britain

Shahid, Martyr, fought for a cause
Shahid, Martyr, who fought for a cause

Shahid O shahid O Martyr O Martyr who fought for a cause
Shahid, Shahid, Martyr, Martyr who fought for a cause

So rise up against your oppressor: all colonials

The Soviets, the US, and Great Britain - no longer in our land

Shahid, Martyr, fought for a cause
Shahid, Martyr, who fought for a cause

Photo credits: Qhuraba

He can be found on archive.org:

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