A4C Chapters Working for Canadians With Kim Mcbride And Tanya Gaw

9 months ago

Kim McBride, Action4Canada’s National Chapter Leader Coordinator, joins Tanya Gaw on the Empower Hour to discuss how A4C’s Chapters across this nation are working hard in their communities for Canadians, to protect our inalienable God-given rights and freedoms. A4C Chapter Leaders are brave men and women who act as watchmen over their communities, addressing the evil ideologies so prevalent in our societies, and speaking truth into places full of lies, like school boards and governments.
Also watch the Weekly Update for May 22, 2024: A4C Chapters In Action, H5N1 Vaccine, Math Is Racist, Weakening Wokeism, Multiculturalism Has Failed
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Weekly Newsletter: https://action4canada.com/empower-hour-action4canada-chapters-working-for-canadians-may-22-2024/
A4C Chapters:

Action4Canada is a grassroots movement reaching out to millions of Canadians and UNITING our voices in opposition to the destructive policies tearing at the fabric of this nation. Through Call To ACTION campaigns, we equip citizens to take action. We are committed to protecting…FAITH, FAMILY and FREEDOM.

Thank you to our donors, volunteers & supporters
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Empower Hour page:

Weekly Updates with Tanya Gaw: https://action4canada.com/action4canada-weekly-updates/ 

Empower Hour Registration:

🙏 PRAYER: https://action4canada.com/prayer
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