Naomi Wolf - OutSpoken: "Liberty Lifestyle: The Onion Scandal"

4 months ago


Excellent eBook: QUIT SMOKING OR DIE!

Can the lowly onion heal ear infections, ease tinnitus, and even ward off the chance of a cold turning into bronchitis, or worse? Categorically yes. For centuries, onion poultices - a steamed, mashed onion complete with its healthful skin - smashed into a pulp and folded, warm, into a towel or cloth, has been used in all of these ways and more. (Dr Wolf shows you how to make one.) But what our great-grandmothers knew about the power of onion poultices has been erased from memory intentionally, by those who crafted 'Rockefeller Medicine.' Dozens of peer-reviewed studies show that onion poultices and even simple onion juice, have an anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effect that can give immediate relief for those, including children, suffering from infections and even from asthma. Did you know this? Probably not, and surely unrelated is the $24.6 BILLION market in asthma meds, which is projected to grow 30 percent from 2020 to 2030. As scandalous as that erasure of information is a letter sent to the journal Springer in Dec 2020 by two scientists offering 40 years of evidence that onion juice cured respiratory infections and asthma in mammals and humans. They begged the world to use this method to treat COVID. Of course their evidence was ignored; COVID patients were instead told that there was nothing that could be done for them; that they should stay home til they could no longer breathe, at which point they were ventilated in hospitals, and many died.

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