The song And The Sky Went Black

8 months ago

I wrote this song for a friend at church.
Here are the Lyrics short version:
And The Sky Went Black
Well he died on that cross
And then the sky went black
Three days in the grave could not hold our savior back
singing praise to you Jesus
death could not hold you down.
singing glory to our God in heaven for he gave his only son
bringing love and redemption to wash away our sin
Jesus made a way back to the father
were we might be with him.
Glory to you Jesus we praise your name
Glory to you Jesus you take away our pain
Glory to you Jesus you filled our hearts with love
We raise our voices to the heavens singing praises to you.
Our Lord and savior our faith and trust in you
All the glory to our God in heaven we give ourselves to you.
We thank you Jesus for all that you do.
Praise to our God in heaven, holy is his name.
Our lord and savior, our lives we give to you.

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