Construction Worker Tries Fire Breathing

6 years ago

Construction work is widely thought of as anything but boring, yet like any job, it certainly comes with its down time. And as they say, idle hands… Basically, if you take a bunch of overgrown boys and give them more tools than they know what to do with, it’s almost certainly going to lead to at least a few shenanigans. Just make sure someone’s filming, like in this case.

Here we have a clip from our brothers across the pond, the jolly ol’ UK. I haven’t brushed up on Brad Pitt’s performance in the hit film Snatch in quite awhile, so forgive me when I say with both complete and utter honesty and embarrassment that I have little to no idea what these men are saying. Thankfully, I don’t think that affects my understanding of what’s happening in the video, but there will be no attempt at transcription on my part for any portion of this video.

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