Sweet Valentine's Day Card Refuses To Stay Open

6 years ago

For a certain amount of people, this video is going to be endearingly sweet. Just look at the care he and effort he put into this plan. Sure it doesn’t work, but it’s the thought that counts, right? The others are probably engineers or carpenters or anyone practically minded, really, are going to get mad at the clear lack of full thought this guy put into his Valentine’s Day idea. We figure, as the El Paso taco shell commercial says, “Why not both?”

The guys plan was clearly to film himself with a giant Valentine’s Day card surrounding his face while he sung the lyrics to a song or poem that he potentially wrote. We are not really sure about that part since we never actually get to see him sing the song. You can see him holding a pole with the card attached to it throughout the video. That is not really the problem though. The problem is that the left side of the card won’t stay open. We have a couple of solution ideas that we will throw out there.

One suggestion would be to still have the open the card gag as he does. But then he should have put a clip or a small latch on the pole that he could easily flip with his hand. This would have pressed the left side of the card open. Our other idea is that he should have built more of a stand that he could have rested the card on. This would create more stability and give him more control over the card. Of course, more simply he could have put the card on a music stand that could raise to a good height. What would you do to make this work?

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