Suicide: The Ultimate Rebellion

9 months ago

Did you know that 45,000 Americans killed themselves in 2016?

Suicide is the ultimate rebellion against God because He is the one that creates a human being and give him life. God reserves the right to set the lifetime of a human, so when a person commits suicide, it is the same type of rebellion that Lucifer committed when he rose up against God. Deuteronomy 32:39

God does not make any exceptions; mankind is not allowed to kill himself. 1 Samuel 2:6

Suicide by hanging is the cruelest way that demons set up the death of a human being. It takes several minutes to die from asphyxiation and the person dying realizes they cannot go back and undo what they have started. Hebrews 10:26-31

Jesus is the only one who can provide happiness, joy, and contentment. John 10:7-11

According to the world, Kate Spade had it all when it came to money and fame, but in reality she had nothing since she didn’t have Jesus. She ended her life prematurely at age 55.

The same could be said of Anthony Bourdain, who ended his life at age 62.

Many believers fear getting old, being hopelessly sick and ending up in a nursing home. Life does not have to end on a bad note; it all depends what you have been sowing. Galatians 6:7-9

While assisted suicide may be legal with mankind, it is still a sin to God and not acceptable to Him. God is supreme and we need to respect him with our life. Isaiah 45:20-23; 46:8-10

From The Desk of John Torell
June 10, 2018

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