Day Dreaming’ features a flute and a light latin feel. Greg Vail Jazz

8 months ago

Day Dreaming’ features a flute and a light latin feel. Greg Vail Jazz, live at Campus Jax, Greg Vail flute, Greg Vail flutes, Herman Mathews Drums, JV Collier Bass, Jervonny Collier Bass, Marc Hugenberger Keys, Dave Murdy Guitar, greg vail jazz, greg vail, goyo, goyo saxo, Dave Murdy, Dave Murdy Guitar, yamaha, yamaha flutes, campus jax, campus jax jazz, steamers jazz at jax, live music, live jazz, orange county clubs, orange county music, orange county jazz, yamaha artist, yamaha sax artist, yamaha flute artist #daydeaming #GregVailJazz #liveatCampusJax #GregVailJazz #HermanMathewsDrums #jvColiierbass #JervonnyCollierBass #MarcHugenbergerKeys #DaveMurdyGuitar #gregvailjazz #gregvail #goyo #goyosaxo #gregvailflute #gregvailflutes #yamaha #campusjax #campusjaxjazz #steamersjazzatjax #livemusic #livejazz #orangecountyclubs #orangecountymusic #orangecountyjazz #tenorsax #tenorsaxophone #newmusic #yamahaartist #yamahasaxartist #yamahasaxophoneartist #davemurdy

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