The 1875-CC Seated Liberty 20 Cent Piece is a Good Choice for Sleeper Coin Bargain Hunters

8 months ago

The 1875-CC Seated Liberty 20 Cent Piece has been popular with coin collectors for at least 100 years, displaying upward price momentum far superior to average collectible U.S. coins.

It does have a roller coaster price history, however. Sometimes it goes up in value, then falls considerably, only to rise again to new heights.

It last peaked in price in 2014, and since then, in typical fashion, has plunged in value.

Sleeper coin bargain hunters should take a close look at the 1875-CC 20 cent piece. Someday, it will awaken from its slumber skyrocket to record levels, just as it has done numerous times in the past.

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