Lentils: Food For The Future Documentary

9 months ago

Lentils are referred to as “A Gift From God” and “The Humble Pearls Of The Earth”. Lentils and grains have sustained most of humanity for millennia. Together they make a complete protein. Lentils are known for being delicious, a powerhouse of protein, and a miracle of nutrition.

This documentary investigates the lentil's past and future applications in order to solve the growing threat of world famine. The word lentil derives from Latin meaning lens. Eye glass lenses are related to the biconvex shape of lentils.

Although part of this documentary speaks of genetically modified lentils, many are calling for support of local organic farmers, and making your voting dollars count against corporate GMO food.

The self-sufficiency prepping movement is growing because of the concern regarding societal collapse, rising food prices, and people wanting to unplug from dependency on corporate GMO food.

The lentil is now being rediscovered and taking center stage. Lentils are beginning to trend in America due to the advantages of a plant based diet, health concerns, and for having a low carbon footprint compared to animal production.

Although there are numerous types of lentils, red lentils are the most popular variety in India and Britain. In India, red lentils are known as Masoor Dal.

Red lentils begin as brown lentils until the outer husk is removed revealing their red color, plus they are split in half. The reason for this process is that it makes the lentil faster to cook and requires no soaking.

Also without the hull, they are easier to digest than other legumes, plus they cook into a creamy texture. They are known for having a subtle sweet and nut like flavor.

Prior to modern machinery, people in India removed the hull and split the lentil using a hand crank mortar machine with two round stones called a Millstone.

As the multi-billion dollar organic and plant based diet industry continues to surge, and the rise of self-sufficiency, off-grid, prepping trend grows, the humble lentil is sure to be a shining star.

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