Toddler Faceplants After Riding ATV Toy Off Sofa

6 years ago

Generally, when kids do something stupid the assumption is that the kid is making the dumb decision. However, we forget that parents can also be culprits in encouraging their kids to make foolish choices. This video is a prime example of the parents actively prodding their kid to do pull an ill-advised stunt. What is the stunt the parents are letting their child do? It is a pretty simple premise. The boy is on a brown, what do you think? suede?, couch with a plastic ATV toy.

I wonder if it is a power wheels style ATV with a battery pack that the kid could drive around, or if it is just a pedal toy that he has to kind of wheel around with his feet. I suppose that doesn’t really matter but if it was a battery powered one that has to be heavy for a kid. This one seems pretty light. Anyway, the little boy gets on his ATV and tells his mom that he is going to do jump. He bends his knees and pushes off of the couch to help himself jump.

The boy launches himself off of the couch and actually seems like he is going to land okay at first. However, the boy runs into two different problems. The problem is that as he starts the fall of his jump the front tires take more weight and lean him forward. The rear tires slightly catch the edge of the couch and push the front of the ATV even more forward. So the boy doesn’t land evenly. The front tires hit first which causes the back end to flip over knocking the boy to the floor and covering him over.

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