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WHO & WHAT is a Human Being?
Below are the full annotated notes of what I received, and my current projects, which I am proud to present!
BRAND NEW TODAY! INSPIRITION: Psychic Training for the New Millennia:
seeing, feeling, sensing, knowing!
This is going to be fun! I'm teaming up with Matthew, of Okay Let's Do This ( Kerry Cassidy-recommended remote viewer I have interviewed several times on my The Heavenly Tea show)
remote viewing,
communication with Spirit,
investigating through the Akashic Field
all of these are natural human skills which can be trained and nurtured.
Traditionally people have gone to astrologers, card readers, palmistry experts and psychics for
foretelling events and bringing peace through receiving guidance.
Welcome to the real world!
As the world is becoming aware of dimensions beyond our five senses, we realise we hold layers
of potential within us, awaiting activation.
1.Book me as a Speaker
for your public talks on Education & Homeschool
How to Enable and Allow the Spirit of Your Child to Flourish, using practical examples of teaching practice, advice on preparing the environment (emotional, physical, spiritual) and examples of best practice.
My fee for giving talks is a nominal £120, but must include travel and accommodation. I can also use the internet and give the talk virtually.
(to Groups, Institutions, Parents, Families, on How to Enable and Allow the Spirit of Your Child to flourish.
My fee for giving talks is a nominal £120, but must include travel and accommodation
Book here for Homeschool Drop-in days, where I visit you for an entire day to set -up your homeschool environment and optimise creativity so your child can learn in a specially crafted creative environment .
2.A Play in Two Days: Put on a play over a weekend Ages 6-13
A tool to enable your children to stretch their imagination, & creativity and earn themselves self-trust in the process. Co-operation between children, each sharing their unique perspectives and ideas. Trust-based intuitive learning through the playful means of improvised storytelling. For groups of 10-12 children ages 6-19 currently charging at a reduced rate of £900 for the two days
3.Book One-on-one Performing Arts Sessions ( in person or online):
Book here for private Singing, Acting or Dancing lessons :for your child’s improved confidence, imagination, creativity and spiritual connection.
:for parents wishing to homeschool
:for teachers wishing to change to resonance learning, based upon keeping the spiritual connection within the child
:for homeschool groups looking to form a structure of learning, other than traditional curricula
(Musical coaching, voice development, nerve-reducing, tone-improvement, Improvisation, confidence, imagination-stimulus, script-writing, interpretation, physical characterisation)
4.Be Inspired by My Books: From Duty to Joy: The handbook for children’s 5-D learning.
Explaining and describing the conditions necessary (and how to create them), for home learning and INSPIRITION-based schools.
The Source-Energy Handbook to Activating Your Creativity
Laying out the modes of imagination, it’s essential role in our lives, and how to encourage and utilise it . For adults and children.
Transmissions From The Planet Zog Books 1,2,&3 Milo & Teal: Birds of a Feather, Vibration Works, & How to Transition.
Stories from future Earth (Zog), where children from the future empower thirteen orphans to lead fully-activated human lives. Utilising the greenest natural technology and healthful relationships to nature.
Singing Rainbows: a handbook to using and activating your full singing voice
Brave Souls: How to Act good and Feel better
A guide to the workings of your human emotions and how to successfully transition through them. For actors and all emotional beings.
Your Voice Heals: the definitive guide to voice Published November 2024
Book prices range from £7.99 to £23.00 currently all in Downloadable pdf format
5.Play Packages: learning packages to equip your home or place of learning with self-directed, experiential play-tools on numerous subject areas from Biology and natural chemical systems to music composition and theatrical story-telling. Prices range from £160-£900 per play package, many of which are hand crafted with much love.
6.INSPIRITION @The Speaking House Full ‘Teacher/Facilitator’ Training:
Training to become an INSPIRITION facilitator, and found your own Speaking House school of experiential learning.
I will be training you to honour, and facilitate each and every child's inner wisdom, preparing the environment, building and training your team, integrating your learning processes with daily-living.
The training is based upon my three books:
From Duty to Joy: The handbook for children’s 5-D learning.
The Source-Energy Handbook to Activating Your Creativity &
Brave Souls: How to Act good and Feel better
If you wish to purchase these here, you are entitled to a full refund of this purchase price, once you book the training course
This training takes one year (48 sessions) of weekly two hour small group online sessions and four-hour weekly exercises. The course is currently being offered to you at £3600, payable in three instalments. You will receive accreditation and networks to existing alternative educators, in addition to the text books.
We meet according to time-zones for two hours of online theoretical and experiential learning, working our way through the modules above.
Each week you take the information further, through suggested exercises, in which you train yourself in these perceptions and techniques of awareness, processing and support. This is for a recommended minimum of 4-hours
At the end of the course, you will receive networks to existing alternative educators for mutual support and exchange of ideas and approaches. This is not training in dogma, but a series approach and ideal to learning, based upon how we accrue wisdom in this world through resonance with our spirit, developed over my working lifetime of 35 years and previous lifetimes. Much of this methodology was practiced during Lemurian times on this planet.
The INSPIRITION @The Speaking House Full ‘Teacher/Facilitator’ Training will equip you to work with children either in Homeschooling settings or community schools and new schools.
A further module is available, for an additional year of practical and theoretical study, to enable YOU to train adults to work with you in your NEW EARTH schools.
Honouring the Spirit and its true purpose in our Human body-selves has not yet
been practiced widespread in education, other than the Pestalozzi, Quito, the
Tekos, Russia and a few beginnings in the Free-School movement across the planet.
Full Teacher- Training as an INSPIRITION facilitator @The Speaking House qualifies you to encourage, allow, strengthen and maintain each child's connection to the DIVINE SOURCE FIELD- our CREATOR in a learning setting.
The 48 weeks' coursework is divided into:
The Child and her/his growth, joy and healing
Conscious Parenting
Theories of Learning
What is the Intuition and how does it manifest?
Learning Stimulus: what is the Prepared Environment and how do we provide it?
Playful Experimentation: why does it work, how does it look, what is it in action?
Multi-Sensory Learning: Why does it work, how do we make it possible?
Baggage-less Children- how can we facilitate this?
Elements of The Prepared Environment
Living and Learning in the Outside World
New models for Schools, New Subjects for Learning ( remote-viewing, energy scanning, healing)
Now that we comprehend the vast extent to which our cognitive processes have been hi-jacked, our spiritual expression suppressed and our innate human talents and higher-skills downgraded and ridiculed, it is time to create new approaches to learning. As we<Screenshot 2024-05-18 at 19.32.57.png> realise our freedom, sovereignty and human status is valuable, it is urgent and vital that we train the teachers of tomorrow for children, schools and universities. We need to allow our children to think, to feel and connect with their living spirit within. And to do that, we adults must also.
Children and Water
And whilst I am presenting my work in the worlds of creative enhancement and innovation through increasing the powers of imagination and co-operation, I additionally promote drinking WATER with all of my work:
I can usually save you 50% of your current drinking water bill.
I use the sales of properly purified water to enable people to afford my training courses, by lowering the course prices.
And I promote it because I know, without good drinking water and without enough good drinking water, no child can concentrate, focus or thrive.
And that lies at the heart of all of my work.
One is not less important than the other.
One may also ENABLE your school to AFFORD the other:
Everything I do is based upon child, feeling well enough, peaceful enough happy enough to flow their imagination. Children come to me dehydrated. I get them to drink a glass of water. I’m using water to support the work I do for children. Every school needs good water systems, and most schools of spending a fortune on bottled water being brought in. So, I am selling a water system, which creates beautiful, exceptionally high-quality water. It also creates a cleaning fluid at 2.5 ph, and alkaline water to wash off pesticides from vegetables. Such a system for 200 people would cost a tenth of the price of getting in bottled water for that number.
You might want to talk to me about this, and it helps me offer my low prices for training adults to work with children, in the way I do, to further and increase their self-confidence and trust, through using their imagination actively
Typically, for a school of 250 people, water is shipped in and costs at least £4000 a year. The perfectly purified 9.5 ph water I am offering, costs £4400 as a one time machine and lasts for over 20 years. A bi-annual filter costs £400
AND produces in addition, 2.5PH hypochlorous acid- the perfect cleaning fluid for all surfaces, stronger than bleach at killing all virus and bacteria.
Installing the enagic machine for KANGEN water, the typical cost saving over just five years is more than than 65%
You might think that 'water' is a new branch to my bow but, when I wrote my PhD back in the '90's, it was the installing of a rainwater-collecting underground water cistern and pumps for play, which influenced the use and habits surrounding water consumption in kindergartens, that set me off on my self-directed auto-didactic resonance learning research to see how children truly DO learn.
So here we are.
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Introduction and demonstrating HOW I access such knowledge.
5.00 I am in my ‘soul room’ ( an etheric construct, where I go to access information, people, parts of my spiritual memory and other tools…)
5.15 Standing next to one of my two trees ( in my soul room), is a ‘tree-person’, a dryad, an ent….
7.37 After toning ( with my voice and overtones produced by it)- to go deeper and clearer I ask for the information to be revealed.
8.10 “‘Summon the essence of a human being; to the counter…and describe it’-you are asking? You would have to enter the gates of the Ancient Times, - and these gates are so fast-shut, for distortion is rampant. Think almost as though you would be ‘casting’ beneath the water for the information - so very different is it, to what you are allowed to experience. Now, let us first talk about the transformation process which has limited your minds and your access to the information: think about a grid, and a sieve. The smaller the holes, the smaller the particles. the larger the spacing, the larger the particle.
You have had energy-vortices before on your planet indeed, in times ancient, preceding yours. - Where there were indeed, lattices, frameworks, networks- ‘energetic’. And yes, much of this ‘Tartarian-ability-story’ has some truth in its past, that there were networks functioning for the harnessing of energy, that you would call ‘electricity’. And this idea was then adapted and this idea was then adapted and then abused to of course, contain and control you- tighter, tighter, with a stronger band of frequency. - To hold and capture the power of your thought, your innocent uprising of divine creativity. - To capture it and invert it, into what you now would describe as your ‘Matrix’, which has taken you so far from your natural emotion. - Into the world of programmed-thought, which is relayed constantly along these lines.
The programmed thought through the airways, the frequencies thrown at your heads, thrown at your ears, thrown at your bodies; and thus you solidify them with your creative power.
BUT, there was something else, and you are reaching for this free-er, looser, softer….a building-block where yes, time was till important. Time was a different….yes, it’s not just all ‘good’, or all, ‘bad’. ‘Now is bad’, and ‘then was good’- it is not that, it is just different.
But let us look at the true nature/ possibility, expansive version that the human could be:
You ask, “What are you?” This is the template. Let us see if we may lay it before you :
10.50 The healing part:
let us start with that. Many of you understand, with your minds, you can heal every illness. Many of you have done this.
- you know those, - and you, yourself have been there…The ‘healing with the mind’: the mind is the spirit, in intentional focus. (This is what we mean/I mean, by ‘the mind’ here. )- Allowing the energy of Love, the Creator’s directed Source, in through the thought, which is the channel, to influence the structure. Ahhh…..and the healing is done. And yes, it may occur over time, but this is a true, true example of the Human Being.
11.50 Let us look at ‘The Grower’, the human grower: There is the female, who is the Mother, who grows within her body her children, her babies.
And then there is The Grower- of male or female, it does not matter, child or adult, who may influence through the power of love- again, focused thought: the growth of that around….the growth of an idea, of an animal, of a seed. -Of gardens and places and spaces.
Generational…this influencing of including energy is creative. You may allow the Nature to do its wild jungle, or you may work with it. And what you see now, is a more ‘stilted’ version: gardens are celebrated where there is utter, utter control.- The ‘ultra-control’ is celebrated…where the TRUE love of nature, plat growth, is a harmonic balance, ‘hearing’ the sounds of the plants and the animals, and ‘singing’, in a melodic orchestra with them, shaping with them. - A harmonic partnership, the lack of fear, you see….
Think of the ‘still’ stories, implanted stories: the wolf-stories, the little-red-riding-hoods, the ‘wickedness’ of some of the creatures…You are taught, you are taught to fear them.
And there must be respect, but not fear. It is possible to confront a lion and to tell it to leave. But a lion you have baited and hurt- that is a different story… A lion in its true nature- a human can speak to and commune with.
14.10 All animals you may speak and commune with. Yes, it is a kind of a telepathy- it is a spiritual understanding. Many many of you know this, with your birds. many many of you commune with your birds: you hear them, you see them, you speak with them. Hmmm yes, it is a pleasure.
Many of you- have allowed your pets that freedom too: you commune, you hear. -Where the clearer you are, the pet may be the ‘animal itself’, rather than the ‘pet- anthropomorphised’, with your emotions ‘slid’ upon them. It is possible to commune with the animal in its essence.
there are many layers with the pets. They are very much in the human world; you may not always get a purely natural pet. you may have had one very much ‘schooled’ in the ways of this- let us call it, ‘the matrix reality’.
And sometimes you find the stories fo the children who have befriended, or were befriended by, visited by the wild animals. And this is the resonance of the spirit, speaking, - calling, the one to the other. The natural state of the spirit of the human is this too.
15.58 Aaaaah, let us see now: you ask, “who you are? And what you are?”
Let us look at you in relation to the other human beings on the planet: the other people. There are humans, there are people and there are entities- different types.
There are Humans of all colours and hues ( laughing ): beautiful genealogies, different and glorious to look at.
And then there are those who would appear to be -with the eyes- as human, but who are not. And then there are others, taking on the form briefly, which are not remotely-so, ‘human’. But we won’t speak about those. You asked yourself: who and what are you, in relationship to other humans?
Yes…mmmm, ( smiling ) ‘what is the human that you can relate to?’
Let us talk about resonance:
17.10 Conversation happens through resonance: it is what brings you together to converse. Sometimes- as you know, it is not actually a physical conversation, (laughing)- you know that very well!
It is sometimes an ’energetic conversation’, that you talk about expressing it as ‘quantum entanglement’, on the fields of spirit, but not a dis-carinated being, but another Human Being. -You may communicate through spirit, - and that can be…( lost for words…) beautiful, expansive. -That field that, ‘cloud’, (in the best form of the word), of emotion, of feeling, of vibrational energy. It is a beautiful state.
18.10 That is a high state of connection, the high telepathic communication: spirit to spirit, via human mind and via human body. We as humans are these ‘bridging/translating’ entities.
Let us (before we go there too much, chuckle…for it is such a lovely place to dwell in…), speak of the conversation between ‘Human’ and ‘Human’, to define what and who you are.
18.44 Think of a pearl - a series of pearls on a necklace, and then turn it into something multi-dimensional: Just as a pearl will rest next to its neighbour on a necklace, really beautifully-positioned, in a kind of a stability held by the thread or the chain onto which it is strung, when you converse with a human, it is a moment of energy-holding from one to another. It is a touchstone, - a touching place, of a level of energy, of thought-sequence, which corresponds to another one. And there are many many levels on which you can operate: from the mundane, - the scrubbing brushes in your sink! - To the highest levels of love and beauty, philosophy…
And there are these ‘touching points’, with all manner of beings on these levels. The human being is a diversified level entity: from everything to do with maintaining the physicality of a body in relationship to the environment, the natural environment, the homes, the work, the places, the spaces in which you inhabit. All of these; maintaining, manufacturing, the cooking, the eating, the cleaning- these tasks you may call mundane - all the way tot he expanded heart-soul, flying moments. And the levels of communication are so deep and so diverse- the ‘ladder’ is enormous.
It is a beautiful thing when, from the expanded state you can look- let us say it-, you can look down, yes, to the scrubbing brush at the sink, (laughs), and see the perfection in that.
Here it is: one thing, solidified to look after some other thing solidified, with a choice and a direction and a precision of the human body to make it so, and possible. -These are the little miracles.
21.19 And the higher level? The levels of love: communication, connection, the ‘magical’ levels: love and enchantment, attraction. What is this level fo the human? What is this level of you? -This magical level?
The magical level is that which is not restricted or restrained into the physical body. It is the mutable, it is the moveable. It is the, (chuckle) as you like to say, ‘the endlessly innovative’ , endlessly creative, cannot be stopped. It may be blocked temporarily, but it is more flowing than water, itself.
Spirit: the levels of the mind, - and love comes into these levels, is beyond the mind. Love is the power of the mind, powering it. These are (laughs), - they are not possible to contain. Their entry may be restricted into the human through pain: if you suffer physical pain, it is harder to access beyond the loud, loud, loud physical signals, ‘shouting’ to your every physical sense. And that may diminish your ability to access those magical creative abilities.
23.00 But let us talk about them!
Imagination! ( And I thank my beloved for encouraging me with my powers of imagination….)
Imagination: this is the ‘spark’ of the human.
What is it? Is it a ‘funnel’ to collect ideas? No, it is not even a ‘collecting-ideas-thing’, of ‘who’ and ‘what’. Oh! Let us see if we can describe in words the true essence at the heart of a human.
There is an image come to mind: of a central- not a spark, but let us call it a sun, because it cannot be put out. A central light-point, which cannot be diminished. But, it is far away but, because it cannot be stopped or changed, it shines through. And each photon that pours through has the capacity to be shaped into any form, - any thought. It is entirely malleable. Every piece of that, ‘shine’ may be moved into any shape conceivable, or as yet inconceived.
And how to we ‘form’? And what? let us look further: the why. It is a game of play. “What can Make today?” says the child. This is truly what the human spirit says: what can I make today?
I am here to discover to…yes, uncover, to create, experiment!
And when you heard that word, yes, you may be scared, for many darknesses made this word, ‘experiment’ a dire, dire word.
But this, this point of ‘spark’, this light-source…it’s not real the light-source because we get into this troubling language definitions but the soul-spark, the origin, the heart, the centre of the being of the human, is an experimental field fo innocence. Ah yes, the innocence: there is no intention, it is just a query, a curiosity. A lightness you ave in a small child. “What does happen if I do this?”
The malice that you associate with the experimental ‘Goebbels’ of the world is so far, far, far from this- it is important to separate, because there is only one world used for the two…and yet they are so far apart.
But innocence of experimentation, curiosity of unfolding, it is a flow-through. -How can this experience of love-force, of energy-force, be experienced in a slightly different variation? How can it be felt slightly differently? This is the origin and the source of the human being: it is this endless (chuckle) discovery, delight - and sometimes the delight is to do it two thousand times the same way. ( Chuckle). “It is pleasing, it is intriguing, will if change if I do the same thing? Ahhh! But now, I can do something else, and tweak and allow.”
And we feel very much trapped and restricted and frustrated, so very frequently by the system in which we are currently…well, dissolving but, still operating in this matrix of the three-dimensional forced-reality however, pulling into our cells that which people label the ‘higher self’ - it’s the ‘greater self’. The one which has nestled in knowing, understanding and is of, and with this Source Energy. - Knowing it is of, and with this Source Energy.
28.43 -Existing to allow the next thread to be revealed. -The next discovery, connection, the next piece, the next pearl on the string.
Something new- not for anyone else’s sake (laughs and leans forward) although there is a joy when there is recognition with another soul, and an extension and an expansion- a meeting of one person’s, one human’s discovery and playing with another. The ‘bang’ of that is enormous. That joy, that is the joy of the meeting, of purity and innocence with purity and innocence. (Chuckle) And I am laughing to myself because I am seeing with those words, ‘purity and innocence’, I am seeing the Lovers together, in their experimentation. And in your world you have condemned that to something dark. And I am talking of the purity and the innocence of that too: the Lovers together, just as much as the discovery of new ideas, new thought. - New approaches, new discoveries and sensitivities
You could din a way, classify us as the ‘fingertips of Source-Energy’ (laughing) - maybe not the mouthpieces, but everything we do is a little ‘reaching-through’ from that light , an exploration.
30.33 Imagine if All-there-is was created in one moment, and then we are that which is the hmmm awareness, the knowing the understanding, the experience of little pieces of that “All-That-Is. Were are then giving it a set of parameters, giving it a ‘skin’, giving a body, giving it an inside and an outside- something which is understandable and graspable? The sis what we are: we are instruments of measurement and perception, forming little pockets of All-That-Is into ‘somethings’, through our interaction, through our thought, through our senses, our being-ness of human. We are…extensions-of and witness-to the ‘playful fingers’ of God’s love. And e may open this-like a camera, you open the aperture to allow more light through.
If there is a wish to allow more raw love, raw power, raw force through from Source, if you open the aperture, intentionally as a being, as a Human, to enable more of this, creative field to be witnessed then, the creations are further-reaching. If you have a seed which will grow into a tree, or you have a seed which will grow into a daisy (laughing) - you may have thousands of daisies and one tree. Neither is better. It is not about ‘better’ than the other. It is just, “do you wish to allow and enable a tree, or a daisy?” And you may do one, and then you may do the other. It is just a choice.
32.54 And sometimes our ideas are these grand opening of aperture towards the Source-Energy pouring through and allowing this lovely experimentation: what will happen if I follow-through and allow this to develop and grow?
33.11 And many of the humans, do “What will happen if I stop it?” But that is a programme into pain, as though that is something we must experience. We have been told for many millennia, “We must experience pain, it is good for us”… Many of us do it, and we pattern our fields of information with it and we get born into these fields of information - the attire. It is ‘hung’ in the air and it is hard to avoid it but, if you pull yourself back and free yourself into your original infinite template of all possibility, and innocence, you may choose what to do with this. Ad you are not really doing it; you are directing it and making and allowing the decision to come through, and yet it is the energy itself which is the doing. But you are the ‘doing’ in that you are perceiving all that is happening, and that is your activity. And I am not just talking about the mind. Even if you decide to ‘do’ a walk, to ‘do’ a run or do something physical - as part of this experience, that is the logical follow-through of the energy. The energy instills the wish to the ‘doing’. And the energy may have been for an idea which became to exhilarating the tit led the physical body to wish to do an exercise, a movement, an expression of the exhilaration. The one may seem separate for some people, form the other but, it is related, it is the natural expression. The decision to be of Source-energy, the decision to be of the Divine, the decision to be of the Creator must be made - or not. And then you allow yourself to align, to resonate with that part of your humanity, that part of your spirit. We decide win part we want to resonate with. If you decide you are a ‘lowly being’, you open up the lower levels only. And forever may you explore and experiment with the essences of the lowly being. If you decide that you are of Creator: love by, created by, fed from and with Creator- let us use the word, ‘God’ for now ( ‘God’ has been misused), but let us call it, ‘The All’, ‘The Everything’, ‘The Source’, ‘The Love’, ‘Creator’ . When this is your understanding, then you operate in a dance with that. And your only job as a being is to (laughs) it is natural to want to know more, to exist with more of that essence, that ‘field of knowing’, of love, of all-that-is-possible. Those are the areas you live in. Those are the areas you dwell in- new conversations in your actions and your ideas: your eating, your being, your drinking, your sleeping.
So you are what you decide you are to be!
And all fo us are originated from Source, and all of us have the choice to be that, to be that. “
37.33 I open my eyes and laugh at how my arms are pulled right back to allow my heart energy to powerfully shine forth during the session!
37.49 -Some words to something that is wordless. Words are ‘coatings on the energy’.
-Coatings not he experiences, the ‘coverings’ of the sweet-wrappers - very good sweets, not rubbish ones (laughing). -Attempting to describe from the outside, what the experience and the knowing is.
38.39 And if you discover you want to come and work with me…I am looking for five brilliant people so…let’s see what happens!
The Heavenly Tea
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