8 months ago

In 2014, an article appeared on the Bigfoot Evidence website, with a picture showing what appears to be a man holding a medium-sized, deceased dog. Upon close inspection of the dog, it shows the dog having fingers instead of paws on its front feet.

The story behind the picture states that a group of men were on a hunting trip at the Mexico/Texas border, on the Mexico side. "There was a Group of four or five Guys that have hunted together on trips for the last twenty years. On this particular occasion, they had hunted the day without much success and were sitting around the fire after a good meal and having a couple of beers. At some point around midnight, they began to hear this strange chattering / barking sounds unlike anything they had heard before. It was creepy and unnerving and continued on until they decided to go investigate. A couple grabbed lights and a couple others grabbed riffles. They moved toward the sound until they were about 100 Yds from camp. They could hear the sounds coming from up in a tree! So at this point the two guys with lights lit it up (the tree) and too their amazement, there were three sets of eyes peering back and bobbing around trying to look at them. They knew these were not a coon, possum or anything else that they had ever seen up a tree. The men decided to take one. They fired and killed it. The other two bailed the other direction into the darkness and gone. Once the men got the animal back to the campsite and really looked it over, they just could not figure out what they were looking at."

They go on to claim that they contacted Mexican authorities the next morning and "they were told they were not supposed to have it and it was confiscated --- end of story."

Some say this is an authentic Dogman, while others claim that this animal that they pictured was a rubber dummy/doll, but the picture was analyzed and it was determined to be an un-doctored, unedited, original picture.

So, what exactly is the creature in the photo? Was it a hoax or was that an actual deceased animal or cryptid of some sort, namely Dogman? Jessica was tasked with this as a coordinate remote viewing (CRV) target and reveals her data here with researcher and author Eric Testerman!

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