Iran's supreme leader Ayatollah Khameneileads prayers at President Raisi's funeral | BBC News

8 months ago

Iran's supreme leader has presided over a funeral for the country's late president, Ebrahim Raisi.

Ayatollah Ali Khamenei led prayers at TehranUniversity, where caskets carrying Mr Raisi, ForeignMinister Hossein Amir-Abdollahian and six others whodied in a helicopter crash on Sunday, were draped in Iranian flags.

Iran's acting president, Mohammad Mokhber, stoodnearby and openly wept during the service, while topleaders of Iran's paramilitary Revolutionary Guard were also in attendance.

Authorities had warned against demonstrationsagainst the funeral procession, and some residents inTehran reportedly received texts urging them to attendWednesday's ceremonies.

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