Woman Standing In Front Of Golfer Gets Hit With Drive

6 years ago

Golf is relatively simple on the surface but there are a few common-sense rules that one has to follow when on a course or just generally. My dad was a huge golfer when I was a kid and made us take golfing lessons. One of the very first rules that they stress quite a lot is that you do NOT stand in front of someone who is about to hit a golf ball. A strong swing can send a golf ball flying at pretty high rates of speed, more on that in a moment. There is a reason that people yell “Fore” if a ball comes to close to other people.

You can tell in this video that the woman filming is kind of trying to stand to the side of the man who is golfing. We say kind of, because the only way she isn’t directly in front of the man is because she took like two steps to the left. Not the greatest strategy to avoid getting hit by a tee shot. It does not help that from the start it appears as though the man is lined up in such a way that his ball wasn’t going anywhere but at this woman.

A golf ball, hit properly and with enough angle and force, can break a car window and injure people. The average ball can travel up to 150 miles per hour off of a tee shot. The average professional golfer can hit speeds of up to 180 miles per hour. Irons and chip shots in the fairway don’t travel as fast but are still capable of injury. Fortunately for the woman in this video, the guy biffed his shot and the ball wasn’t able to get up to speed.

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