We Are The Enemy Now! Iain Davis. Dissent is Defined as Violent Extremism = to Terrorism

9 months ago

We Are The Enemy Now! Iain Davis. Dissent is Defined as Violent Extremism = to Terrorism
Iain Davis Interview with Rick Munn 
May 3, 2024
Iain Davis - Rick Munn 
U.N. Defines Hate Speech as VIOLENCE
It is Not "Misinformation," Nor "Disinformation" that the Globalists, Fascist and Oppressive Governments Hate and Fear the Most.
"Malinformation" is Factual Truth that Poses a Threat.
Malinformation is what the UN and the International Censorship Industrial Complex are attempting to call Hate Speech and Violent Extremism to Classify Dissenters as TERRORISTS...
TheWarAgainstYou 5-22-2024
On Locked and Loaded for TNT radio, Rick Munn and I discuss the recent comments of the un-elected Mayor of Derry City, Lilian Seenoi-Barr, who compared protesting Irish people to domestic terrorists. We discuss this and much more as we explore what is clearly emerging as the pressing reality. We, the people, are perceived by the State as its enemy.
Source IainDavis.com
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