Ashtar's Message: Awakening the Star Seeds

8 months ago

beloved star seeds and carriers of the
Divine flame I am ashtar we those of us
in ships have been aware of these
current events on your world for some
time and have been working towards this
moment this moment of freedom for the
planet and all of you on it yes there
are still moments of strife and fear
just as there seem to be still the talk
of world wars but as we have been saying
for some time now there is no reason to
fear for fear is not real fear is only
part of this illusionary process as real
as you make it as real as your
programming has made it over many
lifetimes although you still have to do
the inner Ascension work know that
everything is under control we in the
galactic fleets have control over this
situation not to the extent that we
interfere with your free will but to the
extent that we can intercept anything
that comes to the planet from outside or
even that is sent from another part of
the planet with fearful
ramifications as we have said before and
that has been demonstrated over and over
there will not be a nuclear war on Earth
this will not be allowed just as it is
not being allowed at this
time those who still attempt to work in
these old ways of bringing fear chaos
and catastrophes are beginning to
realize that their time is over their
days are
numbered in fact many of them are now
beginning to turn back toward the light
more than we expected when faced with
the choice of coming back to the light
or being being consumed by it you can
imagine what they would likely
choose however there are those who
remain stubborn and hold off that is
their choice their Free Will and we will
not interfere with it just as we will
not interfere with yours it is safe to
say that we are approaching Checkmate
for the Deep State as you know them this
will likely culminate in a disclosure
event of some format so be prepared for
this again there is nothing to
fear but know this all is coming
together all is in the process of
completion so please continue with your
individual Ascension Journeys this is
simply an update a window to the behind
the scenes activity so to
speak you will begin to see more and
more evidence of this those who require
proof will be receiving it get more and
more now those of you who already
believe will begin to see more of what
you have been creating up until this
time we feel that longing from you and
we say keep going star seeds you
must for all is part of the Oneness and
you are all the
Oneness I am ashtar and I leave you now
but will return shortly for many things
are about to
transpire all of my peace be with you

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