Watch Bill Maher INSTANTLY REGRET Bringing Up January 6th With Megyn Kelly

9 months ago

MAHER: “Like, they didn’t show up at the Capitol and break windows and knock down doors and kill cops and chase —”

KELLY: “They didn’t do that.”

MAHER: “They didn’t break windows and knock down —”

KELLY: “They did not kill cops.”

MAHER: “Of course did!”

KELLY: “No, they didn’t.”

MAHER: “Who did? They died of natural causes that day?”

KELLY: “Nobody died that day.”

MAHER: “No, not true.”

KELLY: “Who?”

MAHER: “Okay.”

KELLY: “Who?”

MAHER: “Oh, I don’t remember the names.”

KELLY: “They didn’t. There was Brian Sicknick, who died later after the fact. And the coroner’s report did not say it was because of what he had inhaled that day. He said it had possibly accelerated the condition that killed him.”

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