Biggest elephant in the room is aluminum [in vaccines CDC schedule]...we know it's Toxic to brain

9 months ago

biggest elephant in the room is the aluminum [in vaccines on the CDC schedule]...we know that it's toxic to the brain...You [also] have...bovine serum albumin...[and] that's already reactive in and of itself..."

In a new Children's Health Defense (@ChildrensHD
) interview physician and writer Dr. Suzanne Humphries describes for retired pediatrician Dr. Paul Thomas how two central ingredients in "vaccines" on the CDC's schedule in the U.S. contain unacceptably high levels of aluminum, which she notes is "toxic to the brain." The physician also highlights bovine serum albumin as another toxic ingredient. (Bovine serum albumin is a protein derived from cows, is commonly used as a culture medium during vaccine production, and is known to cause allergic reactions.)

"I think the biggest elephant in the room is the aluminum [in vaccines on the CDC schedule]," Humphries tells Thomas. "If you understand what aluminum does in the body, that it does not have any normal, biological functions in the body. There's no cellular metabolism, there's no immune response that requires aluminum, it's simply put in there as an irritant to cause an immune response. [And] we know that it's toxic to the brain...

Humphries notes that "the childhood vaccination program has far surpassed" 4,000 micrograms of aluminum, "especially when you add in the Gardisil vaccines."

"You [also] have...bovine saerum the vaccines, and that is...a real, reactive...molecule," the physician and author adds. "So if you were to add that—[and] that's already reactive in and of itself—and then you put aluminum in there at the same time, you could potentially be setting somebody up for...protein-losing nephropathies, which, as a pediatrician, you will agree, that that's a really big problem."

Protein-losing nephropathy affects the filtering system in the kidneys, leading to loss of protein and plasma in the blood, rather than only the waste products meant to leave the body.

"I think [the presence of those ingredients] answers a lot of my questions as to why...[we're] seeing all this FSGS [focal segmental glomerulosclerosis] in children now. What's going on here? I think if you...really wanted to cut down on kidney disease in the childhood population, just getting rid of the vaccines probably most of it. So there's that." (FSGS is a disease in which scar tissue develops on the glomeruli, the small parts of the kidneys that filter waste from the blood.)

Humphries also notes one needs to look at the "killed vaccines" versus the live viral vaccines, "which do have different effects on the body." The physician adds that "the live viral vaccines technically would be better if it weren't for all the additives in there, like the sorbitol, and...the things that can cross the blood-brain barrier." (Sorbitol is a sugar alcohol with a sweet taste, which the human body metabolizes slowly.)

"So there's just not a one of them [the vaccines on the schedule] that could possibly

Mirrored from / Original Video Source: Children's Health Defense TV - CHDTV -

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