Saturday Studies The Beginnings -- Genesis 5 5-25-2024

8 months ago

Today we look at Adam's descendants to the time of Noah. We are in Revelation chapter 5. We again see some basic fundamental Spiritual principles established in these early chapters of Genesis that are constant throughout the Bible; principles that the world today are trying to refute and disregard.
Some of those principles we've looked at that show up again in chapter 5:
- God's creation--God created everything, we're not here by evolution
- God created man in His image--trinitarian; body, soul, and spirit
- God's pattern for marriage--one man and one woman
- God created 2 genders; male and female
We also look at the late Dr. Chuck Missler's teaching of the meaning of the names of the men in the first ten generations when put together in a sentence gives the eternal redemptive plan of God for man.

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