LIVE: Behold a Livid Horse (Sessions 1 & 2)

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⚠️ Sharing for informational purposes only; not all views expressed are endorsed.

Why are previously conquered diseases now returning? How real is the threat of biological terrorism? Why is it more dangerous than chemical terrorism? Was the AIDS virus deliberately engineered? By whom? It's because? Is there any truth behind an agenda to control (and reduce) the world's population? By whom? It's because? Who are the two riders associated with the Livid Horse? How do they differ?

0:00 Introduction
1:44 The Divine Context Revelation 1:19
2:43 Revelation (Overview)
4:27 The Throne Room of Universe Revelation 4
5:31 24 Identity Codes (Rev 1)
6:00 24 "Intervals" in Scripture
6:03 The 24 Elders
9:29 Note the sequence
13:35 Revelation 6 vs. Matthew 24
14:26 The Heptadic Structure
16:46 Misconceptions of Satan
18:17 Hell
28:14 The Underworld
29:06 The Rich Man and Lazarus Luke 16
34:13 Session 1: Agenda
34:22 Re-emergent Diseases
38:46 Biological Weapons
41:05 Mystery of Babylon
43:38 Biological Agents
46:33 A Private Arsenal
47:51 Biological Integrated Detection System
48:19 Defences
52:05 The Encroaching Darkness
54:58 Session 2

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