It Didn’t Go Quite Like They Imagined

9 months ago

Have you ever seen some new gadget and thought to yourself. “I should have thought of that! Somebodies gonna make a fortune on that!”
But great ideas – everybody has them. Those bright flashes in our brains that illuminate some fantastic new concept in a new way. You know, the better mousetrap. “We’ll be selling them like hot-cakes! Man, I need to get a patent on this.”
Well, some newfangled mousetraps are better than others.
Novel ideas can be hard to judge at the moment. Some things seem like a good idea at the time – and then time passes.
Some folks have call them Vampire Ideas. They seem totally genius – until the light of a new day rises, and they melt – like a vampire in the sun.
Here are 7 examples of stellar inventions, that, upon further review – didn’t work out as one might have thought – or maybe they did.

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