Is There A Coup In Place For Nikki Haley? Is Ga Playing A Role? Part 3

9 months ago

They had to remove BKP from the GA GOP. We have warned about the delegates and there may be a coup. GA is a corrupt state. We are reviewing things that need to be watched for in other states.
We have talked about John Garst and Trey Kelly.
There are some open records requests in the Secretary of State office and open records requests in the GA tech college where Josh McKoon works. Tori Thomspons works for Jordan Fuchs the SOS office. The family has gotten a lot of money from the SOS. Jason should not be the RNC committeeman. Rumor is that BJ Van Gundy will be appointed as Vice Chair.
The AJC this morning, J6 organizer voted to the RNC violated federal election regulations. Immediately they are going for the attack on Amy Kremer. At this moment the 32 day notice is coming from the GA GOP to remove Amy. It might be because she supports Donald Trump. The GA GOP has not congratulated her. They want Ginger Howard, the party planner. Why didn’t this letter come out well in advance to make sure everyone knows about this and allow Amy to come on to the stage. The establishment wants Ginger Howard, the coup if it is happening wants Ginger Howard. All these people will vote for Trump until they get into a room. They start getting into these back rooms and deals happen. Amy Kremer and Tiffany Savage, no matter what they say, will not flip their vote. Could they convince John Garst and Trey Kelly? They will try to remove Amy and if they do and are successful they will appoint Ginger Howard.
Brant Frost, his mother was secretary on the nominating committee, his sister is district chair of the 3rd district in GA. about the time they were letting you know that BKP was public enemy #1. The text messages that were sent out on the hit pieces were funded by the GRA PAC. It has been told that Brant is in charge of the GRA PAC. rumors are the Georgia Examiner is also Brant.
They got caught and now they are running cover. They watched BKP Politics yesterday and immediately ran the GA examiner article. Brant Frost often plays the Godzilla of Bullshit, John Fredricks. John Fredricks carries water with Kelly Loeffler as she tweets, “The shadow campaign for top offices up grabs in 2024 is already underway, and nowhere was that more evident than the two-day GA GOP convention this weekend.”
Now McKoon is on the show this morning about BKP. They are running cover. They are trying to get John Fredricks, he will do anything for a moon pie. They want you to believe that the list was what Trump wanted.
The number of lies in this article are too many to count. The GA Examiner first blames Donald Trump for John Garst. Their first place winner is Josh McKoon. The GRA is getting all these accolades.
Trey Kelly is still on the list. While Trey Kelly is Fulton county chair uses tiddlywinks to rig the Fulton County chair election and is giving money to a lobbyist from the republican party funds.
The same year they stole the election from Trump and the same year that the GOP gave money to Rosetta Stone.

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