Episode 54 Free Wireless Electricity Tesla Musk Cheyenne Monutain UFO Watch Tower Trust Government?

9 months ago

Episode 54 USFDET/QForce SUBSCRIBE, FOLLOW, LIKE, & Click on Notifications! USFDET = United Space Force Department Extraterrestrial

00:00 Intro
03:11 Nikola Tesla Laboratory Colorado Springs. Mass Underground Tunnels connected to Labs affiliated with Quantum Technologies.Tesla Coils,(Limitless Energy). Current Eiffel Tower poses power of Tesla. Global Wireless Communication Systems. Elon Musk.
10:19 Cheyenne Mountain Colorado, and NORAD. Cheyenne Mountain Complex, and it's Extraterrestrial connections, Military Connections, and Cooperative Science Engineering.
13:45 Colorado UFO Watchtower, Gathering Of Healers, and Mass substantial UFO Activities.
22:07 SCP 157 Mimetric Predator
27:40 Trust the government?
28:57 SCP 242 Self Cleaning Pool
32:58 Space Force & The Federation
34:20 ET of the Week The Flatwoods Monster

Interdimensional Alien Arcturian/Zeta Being
Supreme Goddess of Light & Love.
Ascended Master Of The Light. Seventh Ark/Seal.
High Galactic Commander at United States Space Force
Blue Ray protector of Old Gaia Matrix & new Gaia/Arcturus/Tera5 to come
High fleet commander over set Arcturian/Zeta and Pleiadian warships
Seraphim Order Of The Ancients
Goddess of Life at Goddess Hathor
Great Crystalline Grid Of Life/Star Of David/NB
Arcturian/Zetan Galactic Healer and High Council Channcellor
Galactic High Assistance Healer In Ashtar Sector
Commander Healer Starseed in Ashtar council.
Blu Crystalline Phoenix

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#blu #SpaceForce #Bioelemental #Infusal #Alien #AlienRaces #spaceForce #federation #HAARP #multipleDimensions #Dimensions #MultipleTimelines #Timelines #AstralProjection #Astral #Projection ##ET #extraTerrestrial #starseed #ET #Musk #spaceforce #starlink #nueralink #Biden #Brandon #psyops #Musk #muskvszuckerberg #x #qxrcodm #QX #Rake #EToftheWeek #HellTown #Orion #Grey #Gray #SCP157 #MimetricPredator #Mimetric #Predator #SCP242 #SelfCleaningPool #Tesla #Eiffel #EiffelTower #Wireless #Tunnel #Tunnels #UndergoundTunnels #colorado #UFO #WatchTower #Alien #Mountain #CheyenneNountain #Flatwoods #Monster #TheFlatwoodsMonster #FlatwoodsMonster

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