How To Polish the Feed Ramps on your Handgun Barrel

1 month ago

So you're working on a new build and you notice that you're having some reliability issues with rounds not fully seating in the chamber of the gun. There can be a few different causes for this, but one thing that can help is to make the job of loading a round into the chamber as easy as possible for your firearm.

One simple way to do that is to polish the feedramp on your barrel, especially if the barrel is brand new. It's a super easy modification and it can increase the reliablity of youre firearm, especially when loading different types of ammunition.

To start we're going to need flitz metal polish, a dremel tool (note that you can do this by hand with Q tips, but it is a very long process), a polishing bit, and some gun cleaner to clean up excess polish afterwards.

We'll start with the flitz polish, shake up the bottle, and then coat the bit with it. I put way to much on, so when I started the dremel, some splashed and hit me in the eye, so I had to pause and wash that out. So don't put too much on.

Next, I'm going to run the dremel tool on a medium setting over the feed ramp area. Don't worry too much about splatter yet, some will get in the bore and we'll clean the barrel out after.

Work slowly checking your progress frequently.

As the finish wears off of the feedramp, you'll start to see a slight sheen on the feedramp, this is what you want. Continue working until the feedramp is nice and smooth. You'll be able to feel a major difference with your finger.

Once finished, clean the excess flitz off with gun bore cleaner. I like to spray it down and use a q tip to excess out of the inside of the chamber. Just continue until the chamber is clean and until you can run a cleaning cloth through the chamber without pulling any excess out of the barrel.

After that, I like to run some gun cleaner through the bore and barrel while running a wire brush through the barrel as well. Visually inspect the barrel to make sure it is clean.

So just like that our feedramp is polished and our build should cycle more reliably. I hope this video was helpful to you, have a great day.

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