#4 Apple At Home Advisors Salary and Pros & Cons

8 months ago

nd Apple is always hiring Now according to Glassdoor Apple at home advisors make about thirty seven thousand dollars a year and reportedly they have amazing benefits So some of the pros here are of course you're gonna have remote work there is extensive training which is a good thing and you get a chance to work with a world-renowned company which is gonna look great on your resume Some of the cons here is of course you're gonna have to deal with frustrated customers and you might have to work odd hours in order to accommodate international customers as well Oh and it's probably a good thing to be relatively familiar with Apple products And there is a lot of Apple products these days In fact I wouldn't be surprised to see an Apple house one of these days This one I'm going to give an opportunity score of eight out of ten because of the fact that it's a really prestigious company

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