Jen Psaki: 'Russians Targeted Me' And Other Precious Gems From Little Red Lying Hood

8 months ago

Jen Psaki claiming 'The Kremlin' targeted her with Russian propaganda: "I became a prime target of the Kremlin and Vladimir Putin and their propaganda machine. A lot of it was very gendered. They went after me and made up things that I said. I'm talking about people who worked in the Kremlin, like the government. Made up a term called 'Psaki-ing'. Which they defined as 'making up something you didn't know.' -- Sure Jan, Psaki. 'Russia Russia Russia!' You developed a reputation for 'making things up' because you consistently *checks notes* made things up during your tenure as Press Secretary. Liberals live in the accountability free zone where everything is blamed on Russia, Trump, White people, Christianity, or the patriarchy.

These are the people calling Trump voters stupid: Jen Psaki: "Space Force was literally the name of a Steve Carrell movie. Could we have done something different?" -- The TV series was named after Space Force, not the other way around you dolt. Next she's going to accuse F Scott Fitzgerald for plagiarizing the film 'The Great Gatsby'.

Twitchy: Jen Psaki: 'Russians Targeted Me' and Other Precious Gems From Little Red Lying Hood

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