The Missing Link: Evolution, Divine Intervention, or Something Deeper?

7 months ago

There has been heavy debate about human origins and evolution through all of written and debated history. Somehow, some way, our origins got lost and the info was never passed down. There is no way that this can be a mistake. Great minds have tried to explain it away with theories based on science. Great past civilizations have provided extensive explanations about what happened but the meanings of it got lost in translation and time. Religions have denied the whole story for the sake of promoting their own lifelines as religions. I have a great feeling that this info is so valuable that we're been kept from it to prevent ramifications on the powerful unseen and shadow rulers over us. I present you 3 controversial theories on the missing link or lack of one. Each of these theories give insight and perspective to one another, and I think are all valuable in their own right, whether completely accurate or not.

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