"ITALY campi flegrei supervolcano largest earthquake in 40+ years"

4 months ago

[note] IF WHEN eruption happen on europe or on america or on both then effects are let to be become only local not global, ships are monitor volcano areas, also earth surface continental zipper lines is going to open from north to south AFTER EARTH SURFACE FULL EVACUATION BEEN DONE, also city size ships been land for all critical areas globally for instant evacuations, all ships hidden from visible light spectrum public satellites view before full disclosure on end year 2024

"Proof Yellowstone Supervolcano Uplift Happening Now"

"Ongoing Earthquake Swarm at Campi Flegrei Volcano. Eruption soon? Tuesday update 5/21/2024"

[copy] paste

[!!] earth surface ground speeds is become stronger every day to very end, nazi corporation governments science not let people know because 'climate change is huge business' to blame people only whats been stronger sun solar activity after effects from 1990s to forward

[note] after effects from active sun from 1990s to forward into very end, every day is more stronger energy higher frequency, only filter buffer moderation is higher dimensions beings aka galactics ships keep inside outside earth atmosphere balance for let people survive in on full evacuation process also animals, change option need understand or drop out into much more direct process when not do build up own good better best experience as minimal own best then also beyond own best, is unlimited is not been limited how much help own being now or first teach total absolute honesty for your own being then help your own being




[!] higher dimensions beings aka galactics gonna have operation IF WAR START

[ALSO] without your own life plan you not neutralize all negative plans effects for get even plusminus zero situation happen to your own being, when like want survive need build up so make your unique independent life now or later you not happy at all

[all] leaders gurus on hybrid parallel reality aka corporation governments politics business deals contracts plans are non physical Artificial Intelligence aka spirits controlled freaks also computer AI is they god from what they try ask whats all form satanism, officially peace talk is been denied by law around world so here is totally absolute neutral talk, war is heavier wake up call for save your own soul, people physically mentally so sick people not care how people die thats suicide suicidal act not even real reaction

[note] now on moment escort mentors as far you do your own full work start help your own being as minimal wake up or turn into light real help is also coming into earth surface how why you can focus save your own soul or have your independent evacuation

[KNOW] ASCENSION = EVACUATION on two wave, 1st wave is on already before end 2024, 2nd wave is months later not really years later




[..] on internet is over 99% wrong info, on earth surface only percents from population is been really warn you before all happen, you are now on higher dimension galactics timeline you are not longer on people collective timeline, ten year extra been gone so now know build up non stop


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