EXPOSED--United Nations has a secret plan to invade America--Redacted w Natali and Clayton Morris

9 months ago

The Republican Senator Joseph R. McCarthy investigated the existence of communist plots within the UN during the 1950s, and the far-right John Birch Society, formed by retired candy manufacturer Robert H. Welch in 1958, also saw the UN as part of a Communist conspiracy against the United States. The John Birch Society believed that plans were afoot through the UN for “the establishment of a one-world Communist tyranny over the population of the whole earth.”
U.S. armed forces would be turned over to the command of the UN, it was argued, and UN troops were actively preparing to take over the country. As a consequence Birchites campaigned vigorously, as they continue to do, to “get the United States out of the United Nations, and the United Nations out of the United States.”
The Minutemen, a paramilitary organization formed in 1960 by Robert DePugh, further contended that beginning in 1952 U.S. troops acting under UN command had been making “practice seizures” of U.S. cities as part of a communist plot to confiscate the firearms of U.S. citizens--can you say jade-helm?
Although concerns about the UN’s role in the creation of a global government have been a staple of far-right politics in the United States since the 1950s, they were given renewed emphasis by members of the Patriot and militia movements during the 1990s.
Publications such as The Patriot Report, Spotlight, The Free American, Wake-Up Call America, and The Resister, and groups including the Militia of Montana, the Michigan Militia, and Police Against the New World Order all routinely denounced the UN for its conspiratorial intent.
Thousands of foreign troops were said to be training in the United States in preparation for a UN takeover of the country. Russian and German tanks had been spotted throughout the nation, as had numerous unmarked “black helicopters” operating under UN command.
Yellowstone National Park and other national parks were believed to be under UN control, and secret plans were thought to exist for the mass disarmament of America’s gun owners. Reflective stickers, it was warned, had been added to the backs of road signs to direct UN forces during the takeover and concentration camps had been constructed to house U.S. dissidents.
Many Patriots believed that in response to some kind of national emergency, either real or deliberately manufactured, the president would declare martial law and that this would be the signal for the UN occupation of the United States to begin.

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