How to Build Psychological Resilience

5 months ago

Here are some suggestions for areas of strength which I have found personally invaluable. Certainly not an exhaustive list but something to get anyone started should they need some inspiration.

1. Be as physically strong and healthy as you can.
Get clear about what is good for you and what is not. Move lots and be outdoors often so that you develop a deep and nourishing relationship with nature. Sleep well, eat whole foods and deal with any harmful addictions that you have.

2. Be as honest as you can, with yourself and with others.
Apply yourself to thinking and speaking as clearly and truthfully as you are able. Stop lying. Strive to live in such a way that means you no longer need to lie.

3. Develop a strong, predominantly positive, and stable mind.
Address any repetitive and damaging mental negativity that you have. Avoid anything that fills your mind with useless or harmful information. Devote time to solitude, quiet and experiences that promote space.

4. Develop healthy, nurturing, and secure relationships.
Get clear about who is good for you and who is not. Remove truly harmful people from your life like your life depends upon it, because it does. Make the relationships that are important to you strong, sane and secure. Spend time with people who are strong enough to challenge you and who will tell you when they think you are wrong, and who compliment you specifically when you deserve it.

5. Develop a sense of personal value.
Become sure about who you are. Stop doing things that make you feel ashamed of yourself. Develop a life that you would be proud of others seeing to the smallest detail as this is real freedom.

6. Become increasingly present in and grateful for your life.
Learn how to show up in each moment and chose to love and accept life as much as possible despite the problems and suffering it involves. Own your own propensity for negativity and pay attention to the damage it causes both you and the world.

#ukcounsellor #childhoodtrauma #innerstrength

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