WUW #6 - Warning: The Push For The NWO / The Concept - JENGA

9 months ago

Dana & Chris Brunn speak at the Wake Up Winchester Health and Freedom Conference in Virginia on April 6, 2024. They give you a quick overview of what's happened over the last five years: the hidden truths, the Plandemic, some of the players of the New World Order (NWO) and how the Media is fooling us. A MUST WATCH!!!

Mountain Patriots Mission:

Mountain Patriots is a Solid Group of God Loving, Conservative American Citizens Dedicated to Saving Our State and Our Country. We believe 100% in our God-given rights of Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, and we will NOT apologize for those beliefs. We Pledge to be Examples to Others by Biblical and Constitutional Principles in Our Community and Communities across the State of Va. We do whatever we can to help families in need and educate the community through Conferences, Community Meetings, Training and Informational Videos, Newsletters, and Preparedness Training. We can only accomplish these goals for our community through non-tax-deductible contributions and volunteers like YOU!
We Are Taking Virginia Back to the People!

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https://www.wakeupwinchester.com or send an email to: MTPATRIOTS@proton.me

If you would like to attend one of our Wake-Up Winchester Health and Freedom Conferences, tickets will be available at:

Our next conference will be scheduled for August 10, 2024.

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